Thursday, June 10, 2010

..:..All that is good must come to an end.:......:. I am just not ready yet..:..

With graduation just a day away I really have started to think hard about what I am leaving and what I am going to. I spent the past 4 years here, learning all of the socially acceptable things for a college girl. Now I am going to have to learn all new things that are acceptable things for an adult woman to do. Only in College can you go out 5 nights a week and be considered normal. Only in college can you not have a boyfriend and be considered cool. In college towns you are more likely to know the people you meet at the bar, no awkward creeps, well not as many. For me I am really bummed about leaving because I am not ready to leave this world of college. All the aspect that come along with being a college student. I enjoy my bartender, I mean ask anyone he is awesome but he knows how to treat me and my girls when we come, I am not going to find that in the adult world. I am not going to find this out there because I hope to goodness I am not frequenting a bar enough to get to the bartender like we have here in college. My sisters, friends, and those who support me. It is hard to leave them because they have either taught me a lot, I have taught them a lot, or they believe in me. I am however excited to venture out and meet new people, I am so super excited to move on and not have to homework anymore. It is such a bitter-sweet time for me right now, I don't really know how to react to any of it.

My family comes tomorrow, I am so excited,I tried explaining my family to some people and all I could say was they are amazing. I mean it is true I am sooo entirely blessed to have the family I have. They are all coming, I mean my parents, siblings, grandparents, and one cousin. I mean I am the first in the family lineage to graduate college. It is something worth traveling too. I am just so excited to see what they do, how they react, I am wondering how long it will take for my mother to have water works, I wonder if my dad will shed a tear because I am his baby girl graduating or his tears of joy of not having to pay tuition anymore. I guess we shall find out...

ahhhh life comes at you fast, put on a helmet and hold on because this is a ride you can't stop.

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I love knowing what ya'll are thinking! Thanks for the Feedback! Happy reading!