Monday, May 23, 2011

"That is just the gentleman I am" Says the guy holding a rose..

I was watching the show "Happy Endings" and there was a scene where the gay guy was going on a date, and the guy supposedly was standing him up, but he really didn't he just was waiting outside. His response was "that is what kind of the gentlemen I am". Well of course it got me thinking, what is a gentlemen? What does a women define a gentleman as, I mean I don't even assume in the least bit that every women would beable to agree on one definition, doesn't mean we can't narrow something down.

Webster Dictionary says:
a : a man of noble or gentle birth b : a man belonging to the landed gentry c (1) : a man who combines gentle birth or rank with chivalrous qualities (2) : a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior d (1) : a man of independent means who does not engage in any occupation or profession for gain (2) : a man who does not engage in a menial occupation or in manual labor for gain
: valet —often used in the phrase gentleman's gentleman
: a man of any social class or condition —often used in a courteous reference or usually in the plural in address
How to Act Like a Gentleman

True gentlemen seem to be a dying breed in this modern age. By “gentlemen,” I mean men who hold doors open, conduct themselves with dignity, and generally act like civilized individuals.

But that doesn’t have to be the case. If you want to gain the respect of others and the admiration of women, this guide on how to be a gentleman will help. Following these simple steps will boost your self-esteem and make the world around you a better place.
Pay Attention To Your Appearance

Get haircuts on a regular basis, and always dress in an understated manner. You can wear jeans and a T-shirt and still be a gentleman; just make sure that they’re not torn and wrinkled. A dress shirt can help immensely, and the dress shirt and jeans look can be quite attractive. A Josbank dress shirt, for example, screams “gentleman”! If you choose to wear a suit, make sure it fits. There are plenty of places to buy big and tall mens clothing online for affordable prices. Carry a pocket comb and keep your hair presentable at all times.
Be Polite

Hold the door open for people behind you, and always give up your seat on a crowded bus or subway to a woman or elderly person. If you see someone struggling to carry their groceries, offer to help. Simple acts of kindness are part of what defines a gentleman.

Always say “please” and “thank you.” A little common courtesy never hurt anyone.
Respect Your Woman

A gentleman will never abuse his girlfriend (physically or emotionally). He should also shower her with attention and bring her unexpected gifts from time to time. These gifts need not be expensive; a rose and a kiss will do just fine.

You should also be respectful when carrying on a conversation with your girlfriend. Try to talk about subjects which interest her, and never talk about how attractive other women are.

During moments of passion, allow the woman to set the pace. A gentleman never takes things too far or pressures his girlfriend about sex.
Don’t Backstab

A gentleman respects himself, but he also respects those around him. Don’t insult your friends when they’re not around. This is a classless act which gentlemen avoid. If you think so little of them, then why do you bother calling them your friends?

Also avoid laughing at someone to their face, especially when they find themselves in an embarrassing situation. You wouldn’t like to be treated is this manner, so take that into consideration.
Be Discreet

As the old saying goes, “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” Avoid telling friends the details of your sexual encounters, as this disrespects the woman involved.

If you discover someone’s deep, dark secret, practice discretion and keep your mouth shut. This is the true test of a gentleman.
Avoid Cursing

Cursing makes you appear crude. A gentleman should avoid cursing at all times. Work to elevate your vocabulary, not lower it.
Remove Your Hat

When going indoors, always remove you hat. You should also take off your hat anytime you’re at the dinner table.
Avoid Religion And Politics

When having a conversation, avoid these two topics like the plague. Discussions involving religion and politics usually upset people, and a gentleman’s goal is never to be an unpleasant conversationalist.
Avoid Drugs And Alcohol

To be a true gentleman, you need to be in control at all times. Drugs and alcohol impair you judgment, so refrain from using them.

Welp I don't agree with avoiding alcohol, just know how to handle yourself. The whole politics and religion, talk about it but don't get overly exaggerated in the feelings. Love the swearing, at least at first....I mean than you can feel it out. LOVE the be polite section...that always makes my heart melt.
But honestly to be a gentlemen now a days you don't need to wear a fedora and talk all eloquent, you don't even have to pay for everything(although that is what seems to be some peoples definition, it does help clear a blurry line sometimes).

I think a gentlemen is someone who remembers your favorite things, or stories that you tell. Someone who knows you...knows what you drink when you go to the bar, knows that you don't like heights and warns you to not look when going up a hill. Someone who holds the door open but knows that if you get to the door first they shouldn't walk through until you do. A gentlemen picks the seats and than lets you chose what side to sit on. A gentlemen apologizes every time he has to take a phone call or text whilst you are out (just the two of you is the only time it warrants) even when they tell you not to. A gentlemen will know that you want to hear from him because when you don't you kind of worry(atleast when you are that level). There are soooo many other things I can think of but just rambling now wouldn't get me too far....your turn?!

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I love knowing what ya'll are thinking! Thanks for the Feedback! Happy reading!