Thursday, November 24, 2011


I have been Inspired by this idea, I plan on making my list and doing this, keep following to see what I come up with!!!!!! I need a partner since I found this after the fact of it being done... Who is with me?!


  1. hey lady! yay blog!! and i'd totally be down to do it with you...

  2. Thanks Meghan! I would LOVE Too! :) My goal for start date is Jan 1st :) That gives me a month to come up with this list... It is harder than I thought!!!

  3. Did you check out the website that helps with it?? Google 101 in 1001 and the actual website should pop up! =)

  4. They're called 'Pages' - if you click on that link, then you can set them up! =)

    Also, I tried to reply via e-mail to your comment, but it wouldn't let me. BLOGGER ACCOUNTS: To do this, click on your dashboard, click on "EDIT PROFILE" and place a checkmark next to "SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS", and finally scroll to the bottom and click "SAVE PROFILE".



I love knowing what ya'll are thinking! Thanks for the Feedback! Happy reading!