Monday, January 30, 2012

Motiviational Monday V.4

Hey Ya'll its Monday again!!! 
I was driving home from my hectic life again  and I was listening to my new GLEE  soundtrack (which I am SOOOO loving!!!!)  But on came my FAVORITE "bring me up and motivate me" song!
I just love this song!  I feel like it has such a great message to convey!  This song  is my Motivational Monday!  I hope you find inspiration  and motivation  in this Glee version of Man in the Mirror!!!!!!

This song when I was in Highschool  my senior year we would play this song on repeat  when we would go on lunch  and sing...errr....yell

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Motivational Monday V.3

Motivational Monday

I think today is good for the blanket motivation.  I know I could use it, I feel as if I could be taking on many things that are going to be hard and motivational quotes like this help me think about the bigger picture and what I want to accomplish.

 I think it is easier to say than do sometimes but it is very  necessary  to believe this quote with everything because you will only become a better person for it. When life gets you down or when you reflect  you never want to worry about the shoulda, coulda, woulda.  Worry only about the who, what, when, where....  don't even worry about the why...  TRY everything and reflect on it later... don't ever wish you would have done something.

I think this quote is another way to show that life is short, you only have one shot to try it all, why not actually do it all.  But the catch with doing it all or trying it all is don't half-ass it. I have found in my life I go into things with the BEST intentions but come out less then what I wanted and look back and WISH I could have continued with that drive I started with.  My goal is to not do that...  I my goal is to start and finish with the same motivation through out it...  no more of this half-assing and wishing I would have tried it differently before I lost my passion. Have you ever  started something you were SO passionate about to only realize that when you were done you could have put so much more effort into it? 

This is for all of you that have things you want but are afraid or don't know how to keep the pursuit of them. 

 My things I want:
~Learn Arabic
~Be come a Natural healer and feeder
~Be the best in my field
~Attain respect from my community  by providing good service and good advice
~BE A ROLE MODEL  for at least one person!

These  are some of my dreams I believe in, what are yours??
I wrote this same thing when I was in high school and came across it when I was cleaning...  it is too true of a statement to forget...everyone should have "their"  quote  to live by.  The one quote you can turn to help center you....
What is yours?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Miss......I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T *updated*

Gentlemen, you found an independent women, YAY you! But that is NO excuse to get lazy and not be the primal man you are suppose to be. Yes finding that one out of five woman that can stand on her own two feet is truly something to celebrate, but sweetheart let me tell you a secret, you actually have to try harder!! I hate to break it to you but it is the truth….  Think of  it this way, these women can do everything for themselves so you must prove why  they need you specifically  in her life… What do you bring to the table.  IF you are lucky enough to engage in sexual banter, you better follow through. If you talk about events and scenarios you have been in,  if they happen again you better act out the way you talked about… because to a independent women you are not a necessity  but purely a luxury.  I know this all may  sound awful but it is true, why do women need to give up the independence to let a mediocre man have the chance to seem excellent…. Be  excellent… the thing you will find though that will help you  appreciate the independent woman, you just have to act this way all the time doesn’t mean she will take you up on it every time!!!  The main thing a independent woman wants is to know you have the potential to be the one in charge, it’s all about security and feeling safe  with the man you are with.  This is a “man up”  situation…

Open the door, kiss her(don’t make her just dream it or think or worse make her be the aggressor), offer to pay(be the man  and don’t make the woman stress out over if she should put her credit card up). 

There is nothing worse than making the independent woman feel like the dominate one or the one in charge,  it is very de-feminine.  A man’s job is to be the one in charge or at least  show the potential for being able to take charge.  I shouldn’t have to tell you all of this, most men just need to tap  into the primal  instincts  that makes a man so alluring.  And remember a independent woman means you are to try harder and smarter! Don’t give up and let her be the one doing all the work.   Kiss her before you think about it(most like she has thought it and wished it before you even noticed), open doors, grab bags, offer to help, show her chivalry  isn't dead...  you will get much further in life! 

It is funny, I wrote this a few days before then I watched a segment on The Doctors, I found it very funny, because it is sooo true! I know I like  my men to be a man's man :D  Check this out!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday
As  I sit here and think of what exactly I want to motivate  my readers with I am watching Thank You For Smoking, (which is a interesting movie)....Playing on Facebook, Browsing Pinterest(which is a SCARY addicting site with TONS of things that can make a person get inspired  and discouraged all with a single mouse click!

 I live by this!  I think most have seen this in their life...  I love the idea behind it all because it gives a person the idea of living life better and   to the fullest. I mean who wouldn't want to love  pink, laughing, kissing, being strong, happy and pretty?!   I think it takes things like this to remind a person that life shouldn't be taken to seriously  and you only get one life so live it fun, well and the way you want to!

I had  to make this picture large because that way you can see all of the different post-its.  I not only love the quotes on here...  but I will be posting random quotes that I can find to help motivate myself, I live by quotes, I find comfort in spoken words that somehow find the way to me at the most needed  time.  

Happy  Monday  Ya'll and I hope that You find a quote that fits your needed moments, if not check back Next Monday...  I might :D

Monday, January 2, 2012

Motivational Monday

Motivational Mondays
Hello 2012!!! 
Well since I don't believe in New Years resolutions,..they are like empty promises  that people forget in a few months.  I believe in trying to find things in your life that you wish to better and doing them not because it is the new year.  When you decide something needs a change that is motivation enough to change it at that time...  I do believe in hopes for the future...  Things you wish for, but calling those things you will do in the new year is just poppycock.  
I want to start Motivational Mondays, I think it would be great...A we all hate Mondays...  and it is a great way  to start your week!

I love this quote because it is very true, in the end life is too short to dwell on the things that mean nothing, i mean aside for the immediate emotion that you may be feeling. I find that when challenged by a less then desirable situation asking yourself will this matter a day from now, a month, a year...  depending on the answer  my reaction is gauged.......
This quote is basically one of my mantra's for life...  next week you will see my other... this quote hung in my room all through college is something I truly strive for when thinking about life and the things I wish to accomplish.... I think it speaks for itself

I hope you find motivation and inspiration....or atleast helped you get through a Monday!!